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Есдаулеткызы Айгерим


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Учитель английского языка с 12- летним стажем

Тренер по методике преподавания, обучившая 100+ учителей разных предметов

Экзаменатор Cambridge Preliminary B1, First B2 and Advanced C1

TKT Modules 1-3, CLIL, YL, CELTA, CELTYL, EMI, Teaching English Online

Айгерим Есдаулеткызы

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Оцените качество материалов с помощью бесплатной загрузки

Icebreaker activity


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Результат: 11 материалов

TKT CLIL Glossary Test
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) – дополнительный модуль экзамена ТКТ (Teaching Knowledge Test), который проверяет знания, необходимые учителю для преподавания одного или нескольких учебных предметов на английском языке, а также умение планировать и вести урок, использования в ходе урока определенных приемов и видов учебной деятельности и осуществлять контроль за усваиванием предмета. Одним из важных факторов успешного прохождения данного экзамена является - освоение специфического глоссария. Данный товар включает в себя 4 теста на проверку знания глоссария CLIL в двух вариантах, а также ключи ко всем тестам. Все тесты удобно использовать как для самообучения во время подготовки к сдаче экзамена ТКТ, так и во время курса повышения квалификации преподавателей в качестве оценки знания.

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Icebreaker activity
This icebreaker activity is handy to use with teachers during teacher training sessions, especially when they are just getting to know each other. "Find someone who" is a mingling communicative game, which helps to build connections and rapport in a new team and eases cooperation between the team members.


These team-building games are a good way to strengthen the students’ interactions, help them learn about each other, and encourage them to find ways to achieve a communicative goal. These games work well for every age group and in multiple environments including school classrooms and teacher training sessions. The list of icebreaking games: - At the first sight - Drop the curtain - Evolution The list of communicative games: - Line up! - Find out! - Reveal yourself - M&M game I hope you will find them enjoyable!
Speaking dice
It is essential to build friendly relationships in the classroom, when students learn about each other and the teacher. This activity will create a good atmosphere and encourage students to speak.It can be used in group or individual lessons, and in speaking clubs as well. You can use it on the first lesson or speaking sessions, as it may be extended with further questions. Students roll it in turns, ask and answer each other's questions.


Flashcard Activities
Flashcards are a simple, versatile, yet often underexploited resource. I would like to offer a selection of activities for use in the Young Learner classroom, although some of the activities could also be used with fun-loving, lower level adult classes. Flashcards are a really handy resource to have and can be useful at every stage of the class. They are a great way to present, practise and recycle vocabulary and when students become familiar with the activities used in class, they can be given out to early-finishers to use in small groups. This selection includes 6 flashcard activities that aim at recognising, practising and memorising vocabulary through associating words, meanings and pictures: 1. Flashcard instructions 2. Flashcard groups 3. Missing flashcard 4. Magic eyes 5. Lip reading 6. Repeat if it's true 7. Flashcard chain Hope you will enjoy these activities with your students!


Questions for encouraging critical thinking
It is scientifically proved that conversations between the teacher and students can foster critical thinking and support meaningful learning. How can this be achieved? By using effective higher-order questioning. This infographics will help you reach your goal and redirect students with questions that help them to revisit their thinking, dialogue with their peers, and choose a more sensible approach or conclusion.


CLIL lesson plan template
This CLIL lesson plan template is taken and adapted from the TKT CLIL teacher training course. It is easy to use and follow, as all the parts are clearly visualized and CLIL components are well fitted.The lesson plan template meets all international requirements and can be used in any subject content. If you are not familiar to TKT CLIL, please read below: The Teaching Knowledge Test: Content and Knowledge Integrated Learning (TKT: CLIL) is an additional module of the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) developed by Cambridge ESOL. TKT: CLIL is for teachers who teach different curricular subjects through the medium of English and for English language teachers who use curriculum content in their teaching.


Learning styles questionnaire
This questionnaire aims to guide learners to find out their own perceptual learning style and to begin thinking about the implications for teaching. There are many different categorisations of learning styles; this is an easy-to-understand test, both for teachers and learners, based on work done by Reid and Kinsella; it reveals whether you are primarily a visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learner. This can also be used as a warm-up activity or a diagnostic test.


Positive note home
Это шаблон открытки, которую вы сможете вручить усердному студенту за приложенные усилия и труб в обучении. Такая записка служит поощрением и может мотивировать студентов на улучшение качества работы. Не обязательно хвалить за академические навыки, можно похвалить и признать воспитательные ценности, глобальные компетенции и другое. Придя домой, студент с гордостью покажет записку родителям, те в свою очередь еще раз похвалят своего ребенка, и этот позитивный настрой продлится еще дольше.


Happy note home
карточка на английском языке